The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

In the Tragedy of Julius Caesar there are many archetypes but there’s only 3 I picked from it. When Caesar was the king of Rome some people disagreed with what he stood for. In the end he got stabbed multiply times and murdered. Then the country was in chaos and disorder and then one of the people that murdered him became king.

One of the archetypes is “Hunting Groups”. There was at least 10 or more people that stabbed Caesar and murdered him. They didn’t believe in what he stood for and they murdered him. In the end Brutus was king and there was a great Civil War and he knew he was wrong and Caesar was acutely  a great king. Brutus couldn’t stand that he was wrong so he killed himself.

The other archetypes is “The Unhealable Wound”. When they killed Caesar the country was frantic about not having a leader. When they killed Caesar it was never the same after that. Caesar tried to help the country but some of the people in government didn’t approve of his decision so they killed him.

Another one of the archetypes is “Scapegoat”. The person that delivered the finishing blow to Caesar was Brutus. He became the leader after that; but before he kind of liked Caesar. The group that didn’t like him, sent Brutus letters to trick him and change his mind about Caesar. So then he turned on him and killed him for his country.

This may not be all the archetype in the Tragedy of Julius Caesar but these are the ones i picked out from it. The archetypes relate to many things on TV now. These are just the ones that was popping out at me and i chose them. These where the archetype in the Tragedy of Julius Caesar.